Need for speed?
Benchmark images on your website and see how you can benefit from Cloudimage.
Your website could be up to 73% faster with Cloudimage
Your website could be up to 73% lighter with Cloudimage
We analyse the website's page content loading speed and compare it before & after implementing Cloudimage.
An estimate of the CO2 gain / year

Here is the final calculation to give an estimate of the CO2 gain allowed by Cloudimage per year
Average gain per year of CO2 is
Your website will be faster and lighter with Cloudimage
Website loading time
Website loading time with Cloudimage
Lighter images lead to faster loading time, SEO improvements and reduced traffic costs
origin image content |
total website size |
Images represent of your website size and take to load |
With Cloudimage, your images would represent of your website and load in * |
*without visible loss in image quality |
Biggest Website Images
Origin size
Optimised size
Origin size
Optimised size
Identified issues:
Image formats should be replaced to WEBP to improve loading time and Google ranking. This can be done automatically by Cloudimage.
Image compression can be increased to reduce the image sizes without quality loss. Cloudimage allows to easily compress the images to the optimal size and format.
Some of the images sizes are bigger than container sizes. Reduce images dimensions to fit the container sizes. By using Cloudimage Responsive Plugins this is done automatically for each individual device screen size.
Your page's image breakdown
Order by gain
CDN Distribution
How fast can website images load around the world?
Additional optimization suggestions
- The easiest way to optimize your WordPress website is to apply Cloudimage Responsive Plugin which will automatically optimize all your gallery images to fit perfectly to the image container size and significantly decrease website size and load-time.
- Consider lazy-loading offscreen and hidden images after all critical resources have finished loading to decrease page loading time.
- Consider using Cloudimage Responsive Plugins to automatically detect the image container size and load the perfectly resized image every time. This would allow you to significantly decrease page loading time for mobile devices. No additional code is needed.
- Your website page is not fully optimized for WebP compatible browsers. Consider using automated WebP compression with Cloudimage to improve image optimization and Google SEO ranking.
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